Work Management & Team Leadership


Situational Leadership to Use Colorstyle

As we learn about leaders and what makes them successful or not, I can’t help but think about my 4th grade teacher. I was an average student but somehow she managed to bring out the best in me and I made the honor roll that year. Looking at the different aspects that make leaders, teachers have to adapt to their different students. Every student is different – some are smarter and grasp things easier while others may struggle and need a bit more help, there are those that can’t sit still or stop talking and others so shy they don’t speak up at all. Each student requires a different approach to help him or her learn. Situational leadership looks at leadership in different situations and each situation that presents itself needs to be addressed differently, and for a leader to be effective, they must change his or her style to fit those situations (PSU WC, 2016).



Work Management & Team Leadership

TWO DAYS ( 14 HOURS )Course outline.

Unit 1: five strategies of leadership
Unit 2: Leaders’ work at different development stages of the team
Unit 3: how do different teams interact with various members
Unit 4: establishment model of team culture
Unit 5: preparation of work deployment plan
Unit 6: rational job distribution at work
Unit 7: how to give clear instructions at work

We will use ColorStyle tools to practice each unit.

During the course, the leader will lead the team to complete the tasks assigned by the teacher.

Teachers will analyze color styles from the interaction between leaders and members.

Let students learn from the process how to use color style to lead the team in the task.

Finally, it is brought to practical work through the discussion of physical cases.


The Adaptive Leadership model in action

Directing the Apprentice:
Imagine your 9-year-old daughter has asked to bake for the very first time. In this situation, where your child has no experience at all, she is classed as an apprentice role and so the model would recommend you take a directive style.

This leadership style is not aggressive or commanding, but instructional and supportive. You need to show her every step of the way. As you help your daughter weigh out the ingredients, you explain the importance of the right measurements. When you allow her to turn on the oven, you emphasise the dangers involved. Although this may feel as though you are almost making the cake yourself, you are preparing your daughter with the skills and knowledge to eventually bake independently.Ingredients

Delegating to the developed:
Your daughter has now baked several cakes under your directive guidance. Her skills have developed and your confidence in her ability has increased. She is now a developed baker, and so the model suggests you take a delegating role.

So, the next time she approaches you to bake a cake, you ask her to find a suitable recipe and method, along with a list of the things she thinks she must be cautious of. You then go through this with your daughter before allowing her to bake on her own. The independent selection of the recipe and devising of a list, demonstrates that she has enough competence and confidence to go it alone. At this stage, you will still keep a very close eye on her and be on hand to assist if necessary.

Coaching the skilled:
Several months have passed, packed with birthday cakes and bake sales, and now your daughter is eager to push herself to take on new challenges. Although she makes the occasional mistake, she can cope with most difficulties and is considered a skilled baker. It is now appropriate for you to adopt a coaching style of leadership.

At this stage, all you need to do is offer the occasional piece of advice and make it clear that you are available for support or guidance.

Empowering the Expert:
Several years later, your daughter announces that she is considering applying for the Great British Bake Off competition. She is now very experienced and is widely considered an expert baker amongst family and friends. It is now time to adopt the empowering leadership style.

Your role is to enthuse and encourage your daughter. You simply express your full support, point her in the right direction, and tell her to let you know if she needs you to break down any barriers for her.

Coach & Instructor about the Course

Chain store instructor

Once served as the human resources director of the largest chain system in the United States. 


manufacturing Instructor

Specializing in automobile manufacturing and home appliance manufacturing, with rich manufacturing experience. 


Asia Instructor & T.T.T. Coach

The first authorized teacher in Asia.

Currently engaged in T.T.T. course of color style in Asia.